Life After Bankruptcy

Despite the fact that we are six years after the recession. People are still struggling with their bills. We are often seeing that despite people finding work the pay is not the same. As a matter of fact people are probably making less that what they used to make 10 years ago.

I do see signs of recovery when I speak to past clients from which we keep in touch. People always have the fear that once they file for bankruptcy they would not be able to get credit or that nobody will hire them because of their credit history. These fear has keep them tramped with their debt for so many years.

I feel like sharing some of the success of people who filed for bankruptcy and have move on to prosperous  lives.   After their bankruptcy we have clients that now are able to rent without a guarantor, have gotten homes, and cars. I have also clients that become employed because they were not trapped with their debt and thus more appealing towards an employer. People don’t realize that not having that stress of unsustainable debt over their shoulder have stopped the from achieving their goals.  Now we meet them we consult with them as to opening a business, buying a home and moving on.  I can honestly say that nobody has regretted their bankruptcy.

If you need a Bergen County Bankruptcy Attorney feel free to call us for a confidential consultation at (201) 880-5563.

NJ Bankruptcy Court

NJ Bankruptcy Court

What is bankruptcy court? 

Federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction over bankruptcy cases which means that a bankruptcy case cannot be filed in a state court. Cases are filed under the three main chapters of the Bankruptcy Code Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13.  In New Jersey, in the Northern New Jersey area, the client go to the bankruptcy court in Newark.

Bankruptcy Court Procedure:

Proceedings in a bankruptcy courts are governed by the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. The bankruptcy rules of procedure  incorporate the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which govern litigation in other federal courts. Litigation in bankruptcy courts is quite similar to litigation in federal district courts

Bankruptcy courts in New Jersey:

United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey are located in Newark, Trenton, and Camden.

Their addresses are:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Building
50 Walnut Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone (973) 645-4764

Clarkson S. Fisher US Courthouse
402 East State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
Phone (609) 858-9333

U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
401 Market Street
Camden, NJ 08101
Phone (856) 361-2300


For More information about bankruptcy court and bankruptcy please contact our office at (201) 880-5563 for a confidential consultation. 

El Proceso de Bancarrota

La bancarrota o quiebra es el proceso en el cual la persona hace una aplicacion a la corte para que le perdonde sus deudas.  La mayoria de las personas que van a la quiebra ponen dos tipos de bancarrota Capitulo 7 o Capitulo 13. Bancarrota Capitulo 7 (Chapter7) tambien llamado liquidacion es el proceso en que las personas eliminan todas sus deudas. Proveyendo que la persona califique el proceso de bancarrota capitulo 7 elimina todas sus deudas.  Esta usted requerido a tomar dos clases una de Consegeria de Credito que es antes de poner la aplicacion de bancarrota con la corte y el segundo de Manejo Financiero que es una vez que la bancarrota este puesta. Si sus bienes son mas alto de lo que esta permitido por la corte el administrado de la corte de bancarrota puede liquidar sus bienes.  En la gran mayoria de las bancarrotas Capitulo 7 el deudor no pierde sus bienes. Bancarrota Capitulo 13 (Chapter 13) en este proceso de bancarrota el deudor usualmente tiene bienes con los que se quiere quedar y le propone a la corte un plan de pago. Dependiendo de los bienes y de lo que gana el deudor el plan puede ser entre 3 a 5 años.  La ventaja de este plan es que el deudor se puede quedar con sus posesiones siempre y cuando cumplan con pagar el plan.  Deudas que no son perdonadas en Bancarrota  1) Suporte a sus hijos 2) Suporte Matrimonial 3) Taxes 4) Prestamos de Escuela (Casi todos) 5) Restitucion Criminal Una vez que la bancarrota esta puesta la corte da una order que es conocida como el Paro Automatico. Eso significa que ninguno de sus acreedores puede tratar de colectar contra usted a menos que haga una aplicacion a la corte.  La bancarrota es un proceso que le da las personas el nuevo comienzo ue ellos necesitan con la economia en recession y los trabajon siendo escarso los pasado 10 años  han sido dificiles para los ciudadanos. Si usted quiere informacion a cerca del procedimiento de bancarrota llame a nuesta oficina. Nuestros abogados hablan espanol y le podemos explicar el proceso. Llamenos al (201) 880-5563 para una consulta o visitenos a nuestra pagina web a